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<( ' ' )> Friday, August 8, 2008
Oh great,just great.A 2 billion 1 hour production and i missed watching it on the same day as the China telecast on my house's 19 inch CRT(the fat type) TV.All thanks to...*drumroll* CHINESE!( chinese(the language) struts down a red carpet and gets shot in the head with a 9mm from my high velocity artic.)

Some thoughts about the Olympics (from what i have seen and heard so far)

1.HAO AH!!!HAO AH!!!ZHONG GUO HAO AH!!!AI GUO YA!!!MAO ZEDONG SHE ZHUI WEI DA DE REN AH!!!!ZHONG GUO QIAN JING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah alright.That should placate the Chinese internet police.Provided they can read hanyupinyin in the first place...

2.Wow..The world has so many little countries.Why don't they just group people up by skin colour or region and introduce them all at once,waste so much time otherwise...Wouldn't it be loads better if things were to go Africa!ASEAN!The rest of ASIA!America!Soviet Union!EU nations! Alright,we're done. instead of kazhakstan!Ubekistan!And 100 of its little known neighbours one by one.Oh yeah.Forgot antartica.Damn,those penguins run faster than lightning...

3.Those China Zhabos clad in white dancing around the sides clapping hands and gyrating all for the sake of the Beijing Olympics,they are seriously patriotic beyond the scope of our selfish little minds.They have to do that till 12 midnight.Good luck girls...May the force of Chairman Mao be with you.

4.I just realised something...THE PENGUINS ARE NOT OUT YET!!!ARGHHH!!!!Where are the penguins and their polar bear buddies!?!?!?This excruciating wait is simply killing me!There'd better come out soon...Hm...Wonder who the flag bearer will be...Probably padington bear.He's cool.Oh wait...He's not even a polar bear...

CherryDonut @ 10:47 PM
domo 10:47 PM

<( ' ' )>
Finally,7 hours of following instructions,made absolutely difficult by the idiosyncratic structure of my mind,my maple story private server is fully functional,although it totally stinks in comparison to other servers.

Stuff that works:
Job advancement
Basic NPCs (some)
World teleporter
Most skills(including 4th Job)

Stuff that doesn't
Rebirth(Not tested yet)
Cash shop
Some NPCs are bugged

Oh well,sigh...if you feel like screwing about in a 100000x exp server just leave a msg in the tagboard.Oh yeah...forgot screenshots...Who cares...

The main point of posting this message will be to open my heart and tell the world how much i love my school,which is why i am affixing the following two pictures of my reflections after 4 years in secondary school.(Yes,i did submit this for publication in a yearbook-like tome)

CherryDonut @ 3:47 PM
domo 3:47 PM

<( ' ' )> Tuesday, August 5, 2008
What a long post in reply to a simple comment.Just goes to show how sensitive bubblyjelly is...

Whatever the case,i shall now delve into the deep mysteries of...Bags...Yes...Bags....This post will continue to inform you as to which are the cool and not so cool bag models among the ones which are currently all the rage among teenagers.

Bag type number 2:The "ZOMG MY EYES!!!!" Bag.

The creation of these bags is a highly complex and incomprehensible process whose secret used to lie in only the most brilliant of minds.However,due to the proliferation of P2P software,this once well guarded secret is now out,and it has spawned a host of copycats.Below is the original method used to create the ZME (acronym for ZOMG MY EYES) bag.

An amazingly cool work of artistic genius,such as the picture below,is shrunk using an extremely complex chemical process known as electrical tranmorphiguration addition polymerisation condensation assimilative decomposition using dichlorotrichloropenutbutterphenylmethene as a catalyst in the process which involves accelarating particles at a speed of 100000000000km/s to ensure that the waffle bonding becomes smaller.The chemical equation is as follows.

Waffle + Maple Syrup +Bak Chor Mee + Milk =Diarrhoea (HA!I know how to spell diarrhoea!Beat that!)

Following this,an feat of biological molecular engineering is carried out,although i will not go into the details,since the process above,which is elementary in comparison to this process,was obviously not understood.The works of artistic genius are duplicated by using a synthetic enzyme and pasted using electrostatic theories onto a piece of fabric,which gives the product in the picture

And the Final product....

Ahhh yes..How could i have forgotten,the visual nature of the product makes it an absolute threat to homeland security if i were to upload it.

The next time,i will go into the uses of this bag of highly scientific origins,and why,it is so cool.

CherryDonut @ 3:48 PM
domo 3:48 PM

<( ' ' )> Saturday, August 2, 2008
This post is addressed to [blogger] who posted the comment on this previous post.

We would like to assure you that we are definately not racist towards any race and/or racial groups, for it is against our policy. Matts, by defination, are malay gangsters or delinquents and "Matts" hold the same relativistic meaning to Ah bengs. The reason for pointing out matts so often in our posts is not because we're racist, but because Ah bengs are getting less and less common, and just commenting based on our own imagination of what ah bengs would be like would be more of a felony than giving our true opinion of what matts are. By the way, being racist is to stereotype a certain racial group because of their race, and to the extent dislike/hate that race, and openly insult the race AS A WHOLE based usually on an unreasonable basis. For example, chinese are all stupid. That was a plain racist remark. Whereas mentioning the term matts and commenting on that particualr group of people is not necessarily racist. And i would like to further point out that matts are a group of people that hold the same traits, so there would not be matts who aren't, well, matts.

Thank you.

The Management.

My apologies for the spelling error. Thank you for pointing that out. Apparently we've both misunderstood the term matt. It's a slang which is not widely understood by many people. So happens that matt does not mean that they hav to be malay. It's a term with alot of grey areas, but as long as it sounds cool such little details can be compromised. The delinquent part is pretty much understood, but the part of the race... Anyway ah bengs, gangsters, matts, they all refer to the same thing in this blog. I know of some chinese who are matts. It's hard to define, but usually they are a group of delinquents who don't appear to study, have awesome sense of dressing, and wear cool shoes. Other traits include, well, lame jokes, talk loudly in public, and do rather incredible stunts. And many many others. Well is hard to explain, but once u see one, it's easy to identify others. Through experience, and public transport. That makes the last part of that previous reply clear. Matts won't be called matts if they aren't matts in the first place. Although most people observe that most matts are malay, but that's incorrect. I admit i had that wrong mentality too. Bet you had the same mentality otherwise you wouldn't be posting that comment in the first place. Bt after some thought, there are some chinese who are matts, that i've seen before. Delinquent, punk, gangster, those terms aren't able to bring out the nature of those people. Hence usage of the name matt. Crude, simplistic, unelegant looking word, yet it looks as if it's full of youth and energy. That's exactly the kind of word which we want. If we were to replace all the matt words with something else, it'll lose it's impact. And of course, coolness.

Some afterthought:
actually even if matts were consisted of malay, and if we're against them, it's not right to jump the gun and say that we're racist. Why? Let me give an example and put it into this context. I'm against Merced*s coupe series. Merced*s coupe series is a subset of coupes, no? but am i against merced*s? nope i am not. why? Maybe bcos i feel that merced*s coupes do not look good enough, they do not have enough power, it's unstable in the corners. not just bcos they come from the company Merced*s. There are certain underlying reasons instead of race that SHOULD be taken note off. Equating "against matts" with "against malays" is definately incorrect. It is a false accusation. And in some instances, if you say something even worse than that, you may in turn be seen as the real racist. I'll give an exaggerated example. Your hair is black. Then you say "RACIST RACIST RACIST! YOU ARE AGAINST [race]!" Racism is definately a bad thing, but Cherrydonut is obviously being sarcastic about his comment to this post, please don't mind him. as for the "underlying reasons" of us aginst matts, well, i wouldn't divulge that kind of information bcos:
1. We aren't against matts in the first place; that was just a hypothetical situation
2. We might have to close down because of complains from matts that we are "insulting them EXPLICITLY.

By the way, i just discovered that "matt" is actually a style, but it's not just skin deep.

BubblyJelly @ 10:35 PM
domo 10:35 PM

<( ' ' )> Friday, August 1, 2008
I'm back...The SPAs are finally over!And no,fortunately,I will spare you from my ranting about how they went.Time to move on to some random thoughts and feelings i need to get off my chest.

7 11 is a giant swindle racket.They charge like 30% more than other places.For example..
Nong Shim korean Kimchi noodle(Love this stuff)
Supermarket:$1.70 SPC:$1.85 7 11:$2.45

QClassic Vodka
SuperMarket:$4.70 SPC:$6.30 7 11:$7.80


Some schools are really dumb (i'm not saying which ones).They pay for bangla workers to risk their lives and paint the sides of the school building when there is an alternative solution.

1.Set up flimsy harness imported from some substandard china factory
2.Arm students with paint spray guns
3.Send Matts who got in through DSA but now have horrible attitude towards their CCAs and will bring down the school academic ranking by making excessive noise and disrupting studies to do some ehem abseiling and paint shooting down the wall.
4.Tell the teacher to go for a toilet break.
5.Knowing Matts,theyll probably start making noise and spraying one another with paint,jerking the flimsy cable all over the place.
6.When the teacher comes back,the wall will have been painted with extravagant artistic dashes of colour and the human flesh-devouring fish brought in for scientific experiments below will have been fed.
7.Whoops,forgot to mention about the human flesh-devouring fish earlier...

On the bus yesterday..there was this Matt...
Apparently,he was sharing with his friends that he had made an amazing simply incredible (Noted.Thanks) discovery!

He found out how to put mp3s into his phone

Thing was that he still had yet to learn how to download full songs,so all he had was this 10 secondish preview clip easily obtained from an online legit music shop.And what would be the sensible thing to do?Learn to download full clips?Nope,not for this guy.He just kept playing the clip over and over again.I think it was a 50cent song or some other hip hop song.It went something along these lines...

BZeoww(Nigga opening)
Boom dam dam Boom dam dam(pretty funky beat)
Yeah..Awl Ah Reahlli Need Baybehh Gurlll Is Ah Liddle...And the clip got cut off.

His friends seemed rather excited,so...

BZeoww(Nigga opening)
Boom dam dam Boom dam dam(pretty funky beat)
Yeah..Awl Ah Reahlli Need Baybehh Gurlll Is Ah Liddle...

The dude was rather proud of his accomplishments,which were no doubt a major contribution to mankind,but not my ears,so...

BZeoww(Nigga opening)
Boom dam dam Boom dam dam(pretty funky beat)
Yeah..Awl Ah Reahlli Need Baybehh Gurlll Is Ah Liddle...

And so on and so on,until they finally got off at the Parkway busstop.

CherryDonut @ 3:48 PM
domo 3:48 PM

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